
Here's a little treasure-trove of some of Allie's favourite live poetry readings, suitable for many different occasions. There are many more to be added.

John Betjemen's 'Death in Leamington' read by Kenneth Williams & Maggie Smith

From the Love Book App

From The Love Book App: Helena Bonham Carter reads 'Song' by Christina Rossetti

From The Love Book App: Gina Bellman reads 'Remember' by Christina Rossetti

from The Love Book app: Helena Bonham Carter  reads 'In the Night'

From The Love Book App: Tom Hiddleston reads Byron's 'So We'll Go No More A-Roving'

From The Love Book App: Tom Hiddleston reads Shakespeare's Sonnet 18

A Poem For Every Day Of The Year, Live at the National Theatre

A Poem For Every Day Of The Year: Saturday Night At The Bethlehem Arms

A Poem For Every Day Of The Year: My First Day At School

A Poem For Every Day Of The Year: Occasional Poem

A Poem For Every Day Of The Year: Saturday Night At The Bethlehem Arms